Saturday 2 December 2017

Chandramukhi - Jwalamukhi

I am seen in this picture taken at Bali islands, Indonesia during  Nov 2015.  Of course I am with my dear wife 'chandramukhi -Anasuya' and also 'jwalamukhi - Mt Agung', and fortunately both of them are in pleasant moods here! Volcano Mt Agung can be seen here with its blunted top, called the 'crater' which has occurred due to earlier eruptions.
But last week the sleepy Mt Agung has caused grave concerns. After a gap of 54 years the volcano has started fuming causing panic among people! Indonesian Government has raised high alert.  Massive columns of thick grey smoke have erupted shooting to a height of  3 kms into the sky, forcing flights to be grounded! About a lakh of inhabitants living around are evacuated to distant places.

During last two days there is a lull in the volcanic activity causing some uneasy calm in the island.  But volcanologists fear that at any time there may be deadly eruptions which may cause huge damages. These developments have caused a massive hit to the tourism activity of the island, which forms the main source of income for almost all inhabitants.

Volcanoes are just a natural way that the mother earth and other planets cool off their internal heat and pressure. As can be seen in the picture, volcanoes have access to the magma (molten rock) present deep inside the earth.  Collision between surrounding rocks and magma, causes magma to rise building a sort of pressure over a period of time.  This causes formation of bubbles due to release of gases dissolved in magma resulting in further rise of pressure. The pressure helps magma to rise to the surface, which we call as the volcanic eruption!  This process is almost similar to soda water gushing out when the bottle is opened.

World has witnessed innumerable number of such volcanic eruptions since its formation.  The worst three eruptions recorded so far are as follows.

1.Mt Tambura, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia erupted during 1815
causing massive killings and damages.

2.Mt Krakatoa, in islands of Java and Sumatra, Indonesia erupted during 1833, killing 35,000 people and causing Tsunamis!

3.Mt. Pelee in the Carribean island erupted during 1902, killing about 30,000 people.

Well, in our own country India, there is only one active volcano (seen in the pic above) situated in Andaman and Nicobar islands.  It had shown some activity during 1991.

We all call our dear life partners as chandramukhis.  But they too can erupt like jwalamukhis.  Like jwalamukhis they will be calm and quiet for long and they may not erupt due to small disturbances.  But these small disturbances may be boiling inside and it only needs a threshold providing trigger to erupt. We all remain complacent and don't notice the pressure building inside. And on one bad day,  we foolishly provide the trigger and that is when our chandramukhis become jwalamukhis!  The effect would be equally devastating on us and it takes long for them to calm down.  

Even in our society also we often witness volcanic type of eruptions in the form of communal riots. It is difficult to pin-point the blame on a single group.  All sections are capable of building pressure and it only requires a small trigger for the riot to erupt.  And when it erupts, it takes long to subside, but will subside only after taking its toll!

Conflicts and cold wars between countries can be much more devastating when compared to volcanic eruptions.  We have already witnessed two world wars (1914-18 & 1939-45) of which the second world war was a nuclear war too.  Since then many conflicts have almost come to the threshold of a world war, but thank God, somehow they have subsided.  Even today no one can rule out the possibility of a third world war and if it happens will the mankind survive?  
Let me conclude by quoting the greatest philosopher and the scientist of our times, Albert Einstein who said......

                    I know not with what weapons
                    world war III will be fought,
                    but world war IV will be 
                    fought with sticks and stones! 

(Of course some say, this statement is allegedly attributed to him.  But nobody can remain blind towards the blunt truth in this statement). I leave it to your imagination to interpret why the great man has said like this.  I am sure you will explain the same to me while giving your feedback.

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  1. Nicely written. Good. Best wishes

    1. It's a warm feeling to receive the first words of appreciation from my learned Guru. Thank you sir.

  2. Volcanic eruptions in nature and in humans is well compared and is very much true. It is very much true that the way the world has grown now , if a third world war comes nothing will be left in the world except stones and bricks. Good luck and keep w.riting on good topics.

    1. Thank you Mohanji. You have rightly interpreted Albert Einstein's predictions!

  3. Excellent sir,
    Very good concept and your humour sense is superb.

  4. Nice blog, well written sir
    "Chandramukhi - Jwalamukhi" the title prompt everyone to read the blog sir

    1. Thank you Madam

      Please provide me your most used login id for my future sending of blog links. You can send my blog link to some more like minded persons. Also give their e mail ids to me too, if you don't mind.

  5. Nicely explained and well compared. Good information. Thanks and keep it up.

    1. Thank you Sir.

      Please provide me your most used login id for my future sending of blog links. You can send my blog link to some more like minded persons. Also give their e mail ids to me too, if you don't mind.

  6. Nice to read sir.Well written.

  7. This was a great and interesting article to read. I have really enjoyed all of this very cool information

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