Thursday 2 June 2022

My Words

Piteelu Chowdiah, meaning Violin Maestro Chowdaiah...........
I have been hearing this name since I developed my sense of memory.  This is the name taken with lots of respect in my family and relatives circles. This sacred name is revered like God's name. Irrespective of the relationship, all in my family used to fondly call him with the name 'Annaiah,' meaning the elder brother. Discussions on his scholarship and achievements used to feature often in the memory lanes of our family elders. That too when there used to be music programs heard over the radio, invariably our elders used to talk about Annaiah! That is how I came to know about his great name. The last sight of his mortal remains is clearly etched in the early pages of my life's book. Peeping through the window panes while sitting on the shoulders of my uncle's daughter,  I have filled my eyes with the sight of our Annaiah's sacred mortal remains lying over a bed of flowers. Although I have heard that Annaiah used to take me by arms, make me sit on his laps, the pleasure of his body touch is not in my memory. Throughout my childhood, his portrait in a royal dress hung on a wall of my house had kindled in me the curiosity to know about him. As I grew up,  I started deeply loving a school book of mine in which a lesson on him was included. I regard all these as the fortunes of my life.

Annaiah is the eldest brother of my father from one side.  From another side, he is the maternal uncle of my mother.  I never had the fortune of consciously interacting with him.  Yet, the inputs I used to receive continuously from my family sources into my tender brain were enough to reconstruct the image of his great personality. I was in the process of crystalizing the image of his personality in its entirety. The child in me which had taken up this great task was well nourished by my respected father and his elder sister Mrs. Nagamma. Mrs. Nagamma had believed that his brother Annaiah is the very God himself! Going one step further she used to describe that Chowdaiah's mother late Sundaramma herself was Goddess 'Saraswathi.' She used to say that when Sundaramma died, she felt that Sharada, the Goddess of knowledge and arts had passed away. In the early days after Sundaramma's sacred mortal remains were consigned to flames on the bank of the river Cauvery, my aunt Nagamma used to go there and cry within after seeing the ashes left over. When my elders used to narrate such stories before me, the little bird of curiosity in me used to stretch its tender wings, hop around and fly. I used to feel like flying high into the blue sky and proclaim to the entire world that 'Chowdaiah is my uncle, Chowdaiah is my uncle.'

In the eyes of society Chowdaiah was a great scholar.  He was famous by the names like Mysuru T.Chowdaiah, Piteelu Chowdaiah, Tirumakudalu Chowdaiah. Describing him as just Piteelu Chowdaiah, the violin maestro is a gross injustice to his wholesome personality. Because he was also a creative genius. He had the capacity to create anything and everything. Therefore no challenge, however complex could upset Chowdaiah. Instead, he used to be more creative and enthusiastic in meeting such challenges.  In fact he liked challenges.  He adored the spirit of inspiration. He liked competitors who could fight with him tooth and nail. After hearing such instances about my uncle Chowdaiah, I too used to feel the kindling of such virtues in me. Then I used to feel that Annaiah is more nearer to me. But I used to return to reality, after realizing that I am only a small blade of grass at the foothill, whereas he was a shining mountain.

Like multiple branches of a huge pipal tree, Chowdaiah's achievements were multifaceted. For a village kid coming from a farming community called Vokkaligas, learning, understanding and mastering Carnatic music with its rich heritage was no mean task. This needed the blessings of God, blessings of a revered Guru-the teacher and a resolute mind. Getting a great Guru, the teacher like Ganavisharada Bidaram Krishnappa was instrumental in shaping  Chowdaiah as a great artist in the world of instrumental music. 

Chowdaiah had a genuine innovator in himself.  That is why he could design and establish the seven stringed violin. His heart used to constantly beat for new ways and directions. That is how he could venture into the world of films. He had literary instincts too.  That is why he could compose Keerthanas, the songs of classical music. He wanted to explore the field of dances.  That is why he teamed up with H. Dasappa, the brother of Bengaluru Nagarathnamma and composed dances. He composed Thillanas, the rhythmic songs suited for Indian Classical dances. Creative genius Chowdaiah produced films and acted in them.  He also composed songs and sang them for his films besides providing the background music.  He was a business entrepreneur too. That is why he ran buses from Malavalli to Bengaluru. His core was that of a musician and a composer. He had Himalayan aims. Besides he was a Guru, a teacher too. He opened music classes and groomed budding musicians. He was even a psychologist who could understand the mindset of his fellow musicians and the kind hearted people. He had great faith in God, revered his teacher and also his mother. He used to respect patrons of  music as Gods. Chowdaiah loved challenges. Above all these, he was a great human being.

I had heard almost all stories about his great achievements from my family sources itself.  This had created in me the feeling of excitement that such a great person blessed with inner strength is my close relative.  When I started searching about the books that have come out about him, I was quite disappointed.  Those who authored books on him had just covered his life cycle, his seven stringed violin and his mastery over violin besides a few incidents connected with his life. That's all.  I felt the need for information on him in its entirety. Still the fact that at least that much of information has been recorded in early books on Chowdaiah was a matter of satisfaction.  

My eldest uncle Chowdaiah and his siblings were all great artists. Each one of them had left his/her imprint, at least in one of the chosen fields like music, literature, languages, Sanskrit, culture and fine arts. Like flowers from the same creeper, they all had contributed in their own ways in lifting their generation to great heights. After having taken birth in such a great family, obviously I was proud of my elderly uncles and aunties. Although the world of music didn't take me into its fold in spite of my best efforts, the literary instincts in me drove my mind towards the process of recording the achievements of illustrious seniors of my family amidst the glow of truth. After having inherited such great genes from my seniors, I felt the need to repay my debt in this way.

My father himself had tried such a task. He had planned to write a book on his elder brother.  He had written an article on him. He used to express his keen interest in writing about varied topics.  Somehow things didn't materialize for him. He used to prompt me to act in this direction.  He had expressed his ambition that at least I should accomplish such great tasks. My father who groomed me was a man of clear objectives. He used to tell only about issues which were accurate and needed. Therefore I could see a clear point in his prompts and decided to create a record of the glorious achievements of Chowdaiah, my eldest uncle. 

I had the curiosity to know about what people say about Chowdaiah.  Therefore I met many people and spoke to them.  I spoke to Chowdaiah's different contemporaries, people who might have seen him, wherever available and gathered lots of information. I met well known personalities like S.K.Ramachandrarao, Matturu Krishnamurthy, Ho. Sreenivasaiah, G.Narayana, centenarian Nittur Srinivasarao, Prof. G.Venkatasubbaiah and Centenarian H.S.Doreswamy.  Thus I was on a mission of collecting information about my great uncle. 

In my mission of exploring more about Chowdaiah, I realized one more truth.  Chowdaiah was not a mere musician, composer, creative achiever, researcher, actor or a businessman. He was man with a crystal clear mind, the very embodiment of generosity and a kind heart.  Every person I met used to instantly narrate touching stories about Chowdaiah and his generosity.  They used to speak with lots of love while narrating about this kind man.  Not only from the learned people, even from common men and unorganized workers I have heard similar stories. Politicians, literary giants and other dignitaries also used to endorse such views. The moment they came to know that I am his younger brother's daughter, they used to feel as if they have met Chowdaiah himself while greeting me with folded hands. (The fact that even the violin maestro Kunnakudi Vaidyanathan had reacted to me in the same way is only an example). These type of acts used to embarrass me, but inspired me to explore more about Chowdaiah, the kind hearted man rather than Chowdaiah, the peerless musician.

Formally I started exploring about him from the year 2006. Chowdaiah was a more sought after musician in Tamil Nadu than Karnataka. But not much of information about him has flown from Tamil Nadu towards Karnataka. Therefore I feel that his personality in its entirety is hardly recorded in Karnataka. Those who knew him in Karnataka have just recorded whatever they knew and published small books.  Therefore I could not gather more information from such sources.

I toured most places in southern Chennai and started collecting information.  I visited places where Chowdaiah used to give his concerts.  I contacted all those organizations with which Chowdaiah had contacts.  Chowdaiah, a great devotee of God used to voluntarily give concerts in most well known temples. I visited all of them. I spoke to almost all  senior musicians. I visited different houses, searched their racks and collected many old pictures.  Each of such acts used to consume lot of time.  A decade passed by in no time in all these explorations.  

Most of my family members came to my help in a big way in sharing information with me.  Still a few didn't come forward.  I had to creep through the mat in reaching them.  The relentless mindset of a researcher prompts all such acts.  Many records were already lost and irretrievable. By the year 2016, I felt that the process of exploration is almost over and started writing.  Still information inflow used to continue with the increasing number of informers. Many who had promised to provide information could not provide due to their many preoccupations. Even I was hard pressed due to my office compulsions.  Still I had to explore Government records, proceedings and files. My ambitious thoughts like 'who else can do such an exhaustive study, even for me it is an one time affair, let me include all records about my eldest uncle,' further delayed my project. At last, I was ready with my book.  Further for the thoughts like, publishing organization must be a worthy one which has the capability to reach all readers, I had to wait a little more. I was immensely satisfied when Hampi Kannada University came forward to publish this book.  I felt that the doors of fulfillment were finally open for my long drawn struggle. The Vice-chancellor and members of his selection committee have helped me in placing before readers this book on Chowdaiah,  the 'Star of Music,' shining on the blue horizon of Carnatic classical music.

This book contains the picture of Chowdaiah's personal life, footprints of his great achievements and the details of the challenges he faced.  This also contains the narration of unique and interesting incidents in his life involving light humour and serious thoughts. Series of essays written about him by those who knew him, scripts written at his instance for various studies, interviews involving him and a few poems about him find place in this book. Towards the end there is a photo album containing rare pictures about Chowdaiah.

I am placing all these before you as fruits of success of my decade long efforts. I have done selfless service in producing this great piece of art in the form of words to immortalize a pure Kannada treasure called Sangeeta Kalanidhi Chowdaiah. There are monuments, traffic circles, roads and awards in his name, but they can't tell what a book can tell. At the most they can tell 'who' is Chowdaiah, but they can't speak about him and his glorious achievements. Written communication has the inner strength of describing a personality. I wish that through this book, Chowdaiah's life, work and accomplishments are immortalized and showcased before the coming generations. In between the period of my study and publishing this work, I am aware that many books have come out for meeting educational and organizational purposes. But my book is special as it contains lot of unique information which I have gathered from my family sources. Yet, I don't have the courage to say that I have captured the personality of Chowdaiah in its entirety in this book.  I am still having more information which are not included in this book. I am still in contact with many people who are ready to share more information with me. After reading this book, our readers may feel like sharing more information.  All such fresh information can be included at the time of revising this book.   

Many distinguished persons have helped us in bringing out this book.  I and my husband were always at the service of His Holiness Most Worshipful Bairavaikya Jagadguru  Sri Sri Sri Balagangadharanatha Mahaswamiji, the former Pontiff of Sri Adichunchanagiri Matt who always wanted me to author books on lives and achievements of great personalities.  He knew very well that I am a close relative of Chowdaiah. He used to prompt me by saying, 'in your family itself there is a great achiever, why don't you write about him?' After coming to know that I am already on that great work, he was pleased to bless me for my success. I respectfully remember that great soul with all devotion on the occasion of publishing of this book. Although Mahaswamiji is no longer with us physically, we are inspired by the unstinted encouragement from the holy matt. The present pontiff of the matt His Holiness Most Worshipful Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Nirmalananda Mahaswamiji is also nourishing us with his maternal care. Our opportunity to render our humble services to the main matt and its branches continues with his blessings. I bow with reverence at his lotus feet.

The process of printing this book and placing it in the hands of patrons of music, patrons of Chowdaiah and our readers is as important as the process of writing this book.  In the year 2017 itself, Kannada University had made all preparations to publish this book.  But the process of publishing was delayed due to many administrative changes that took place in the university.  At this juncture, the man who provided financial support for the publication of this book on a towering personality of the cultural world was none other than our Karnataka Minister for Higher Education Dr.C.N.Aswathnarayana. He has great love for arts, literature and culture. We sincerely thank him for his patronage.

We can't forget the valuable support of Mrs.Sumalatha Ambarish, Honourable Member of Lok Sabha and the President of Sangeeta Ratna Piteelu Chowdaiah Memorial Trust.  She is the drive behind all noble deeds carried out in the name of Piteelu Chowdaiah.  I am deeply indebted to her for her patronage.

I dedicate this book of mine to my fatherly figure K.Sreekantaiah, son of Late Putturao who was a close associate of Chowdaiah. He was very pleased when I said to him during my first meeting with him, that I will dedicate this book of mine to him.  His entire family has treated Chowdaiah as its inseparable part.  The installation of the Chowdiah Memorial Hall in Bengaluru, which has immortalized Chowdiah's name was possible only because of the dedicated efforts of K.K.Murthy, the brother of K.Sreekantaiah. 

The early information I received from K.Sreekantaiah was helpful to me in finding my path towards research work on Chowdiah. I explored all clues he gave which lead me to the vast world of research work.  In between, he gave all the information that he provided me to Mysore University also in writing. While giving such information in writing to Mysore University, he was concerned and checked with me to ascertain whether his act will in any way affect my work. I regard his act as his greatness.  I assured him that the scope of my work is different and he is free to share information with the Mysore University.  Based on his information, even Mysore University has published a book.  Sreekantaiah's wife Vatsalamma treats me as his daughter.  I can't forget the treat of her delicious dishes.  I also fondly remember the help rendered by his daughter Prabha who used to act as the linking bridge between me and her father. 

I am grateful to all my relatives and friends who have shared with me information and pictures. My aunt Centenarian Vidushi T.Nagamma, my father T.A.Chikkaraju, my mother Chaya, Chowdiah's second daughter T.C.Pankajamma, my relatives T.L.Balasubramanyam, T.L.Muddulingappa, M.H.Anandkumar, J.C.Rajeshwari, Nagavalli Revanna, Bharathiprasad Murthy, Sarvamangala, C.R.Harish, T.P.Sukumar, Mayura, Sheela Boriah, Radha Lingaiah, Dr.M.A.Shekhar, Dr.B.S.Manjunath, C.R.Himamshu, M.A.Madankumar, M.A.Chandan kumar, Narasamma, Bhavana Raju, T.M.Gayatri, C.R.Ramdev, Ratnaa Naresh, T.B.Jaishakar, Anupama Thyagarajan, T.B.Mrutyunjaya, Girish Mariswamy, stage actor Doddanarasikere Prakash have shared with me valuable information on life and work of Chowdiah.  On this occasion I fondly remember each and every member of Chowdiah family.  I am grateful to all of them.

I had to contact many institutions for securing pictures and information on my eldest uncle Chowdiah. He had spent most of his life interacting with such institutions. Chennai's Madras Music Academy has recorded lots of information about Chowdiah.  It has even lost many information owing to lack of storage equipment. Yet, the role of this academy in identifying towering achievements of Chowdiah is not only wide, but also very important.  Although I pestered many workers of this academy on a number of occasions, nobody murmured in the process of providing me the needed information.  They have never displayed a single sign of negligence while helping me.  V.Sriram who has authored a book on Chowdiah was in constant touch with me while providing me information. Our own musician Vidushi Ratnabai Krishnamurthy and her son Jagadeesh have even taken a step forward in providing information with lots of affection. I am thankful to all my friends from Madras Music Academy.  

Distinguished persons like Ram Prasad of Sri Ramaseva Mandali, Bengaluru, Bengaluru Gayana Samaja's President Kamalnath and its Secretary, my beloved Krishna Prasad, Raghavendra from Ananya Samsthe, V.Krishna of Percussion Arts Centre, Shivu of Ayyanar Arts School, famous Gamaka Scholar Dr.A.V.Prasanna, my friend from Akashavani and Gamaka scholar M.R.Satyanarayana who is also the chief of Bengaluru Gamaka Kala Parishattu, A.S.Murthy of Bengaluru Kala Mandira, Raghavendra Prabhat of Prabhat Artists Group, Kamalamma, the daughter-in-law of son of Vidyakanthacharya and her children Anupama and Gopalakrishna murthy, Dr.Vageesh who was the director of Trichy Akashavani, Dr.Bhaskar who is a Neuro surgeon and a musician, Diwakar and Nagaraj of Sri Prasanna Seetharama Mandira and representatives of many more organizations have favoured me with information and pictures connected with Chowdiah. Many of them have informed me about the sources from where I can gather more information.  

Master Hiranniah, the distinguished stage artist, Literary giant Dejegow and his son Dr.Shashidhara Prasad, Echanoor Kumar, film actress Mainavathi, famous music scholar R.K.Sreekantan, V.Ramaratnam, A.V.Anand, Nagabhushanachar, Raghu, Padma Gurudutt, Ghatam Manjunath's son Vishnu, Shankar, son of Arunachalappa, Mugaiah's brother's son Tagadur Basavaraj, Honnappa Bhagavathar's son H.R.Kumar Bhagavathar and many more respected persons have contributed for my book. 

State Archives Department offices in Bengaluru and Mysuru, Secretariat of State Legislature, Mysuru Palace Administrative Unit, Department of Archaeology, Karnataka Music and Dance Academy, Fine Arts College of Mysuru, Mysore University, Akashavani Centers of Bengaluru, Mysuru and Trichy and many more Governmental organizations have provided me unprecedented treasure of information. 

Staff of Shruthi Sangeetha Patrika from Tamil Nadu, Sanjay Adiga from IBH, Shanthakumar from Prajavani, Ravi Koti from Andolana newspaper, Dr.Gayatri and Gavisiddiah from Mysuru Archives Department, Jayanthi from library of Kannada Sahitya Parishattu and many more have provided me the needed help along with information about the sources from where I could collect more. 

Many well wishers from my circle of friends have also provided me the needed support. Among my beloved friends Nadoja Dr.Manu Baligaar, senior journalist R.T.Vitttalmurthy, Dr.Manjula Hulluhalli and her husband Ramesh, well known stage artist Geetha Montadka, Dr.Gubbigoodu Ramesh, Story writer Shanthakumari, Yakshagana artist Deepak Shetty of Barkur, my colleague and Science writer D.V.Heggde, Udaya Puranik, Progressive Writer Mohammed Sheriff from Ripponpete, Rajshekhar from Kollegala have provided me the much needed moral support and inspiration. 

My good friend K.S.Ramamurthy treats this book of mine as his own.  He has brought lots of information and pictures from well known organizations of Bengaluru.  And he waited for seeing the safe publication of this book like the proverbial bird Jacobin Cuckoo. I specially recall the value of his services. My another good friend from Hampi Kannada University, Raghavendra Deshpande, his wife Parimala Deshpande, son Prabhava, my colleague from Chief Minister's Secretariat and my beloved friend B.B.Veena who has gathered speeches of Chowdiah in the legislative council from the State Archives, my good friend and niece Anupama Ashok who used to take dictation while I was in the process of translations, Vanishree who cleansed pictures, Palani from Madurai who accompanied me while making city rounds of Chennai searching for information and records have provided me the valuable support.  I remember each one of them with gratitude. Many scholars, writers, story writers have given me their interviews, articles and pictures. I have recorded their names in their respective articles included in this book.  I would like to fondly recall their valuable services.  I have received support from    many organizations, Cultural centers and office bearers of various academies, members of the temple management committees, pontiffs and administrators of various matts, Akashavani staff from both Tamil Nadu and Karnataka States. I am thankful to all of them.

Somehow I completed writing this book on Chowdiah.  But its printing and respectable publication was a matter of big challenge.  I needed the help of a reputed publication house which could ably print and distribute my book. Such a great service was rendered by Dr.Mallika S.Ghanti, the then Vice-chancellor of Kannada University.  She has added to the value of my book by providing the University concurrence to publish my book.  My wholehearted thanks to my respected friend Mallika.

On the happy occasion of publication of this book, Dr.Sa.Chi.Ramesh, the present Vice-chancellor of Kannada University has shown great interest and regards.  I view this as his respect for a great person who has served the land of Kannada, its language and culture with distinction.  I am deeply indebted to Prof.Sa.Chi.Ramesh.

My special thanks to Dr.Subbanna Rai, Registrar, Dr.H.D.Prashanth, Director of Prasaranga who has ensured publication of this book with great concern, B.Sujnana murthy, Deputy Director (Rtd) who has proof-read and designed this book in spite of his poor health, his friend H.B.Ravindra, Joint Director C.C.Pooviah, Shivkumar who designed pages of this book and Artist K.K.Makali who has designed the befitting cover page, done the beautification work and drawn appropriate sketches for my book. 

The man who has shown great concern in beautifully printing this book is Prakash of Sreeman Printex. He prints all books with perfection.  But he has taken special personal care in beautifying the printing of my book Nada Nakshatra. All his staff members have joined hands with him.  My wholehearted thanks to all of them.

Although my dear husband welcomes my book writing efforts, often he expresses displeasure on the delay caused in timely publication of my books. May be research works are long drawn or I myself may be slow paced, I don't know.  But I don't like sending books for printing unless the writing of the book is thoroughly complete. Finding a suitable publication house is another issue. Owing to my desire in publishing a book which is complete in all respects despite the intermittent delays, I bear with my husband's displeasure with a smiling face. I know that he will be the first in appreciating my efforts towards the end.  Reiterating that my research will remain incomplete without his support, I tender my wholehearted thanks to my respected husband Dr.K.S.Prasad. 

My son never says no for any of my ventures. Owing to my deep involvement in such ventures, I become unavailable to him.  He too feels missing me.  Still the fact that he has adjusted to such situations is my good fortune.  I express my deep love to my son Dr.Shashank who is in total sync with me.

Above all these, I wholeheartedly bow before Most Worshipful Jagadguru Sri Shivaraatri Deshikendra Mahaswamy, the pontiff of Suttur Samsthana.  He has always provided me knowledge and encouraged me with his blessings.  When I disclosed to him about this venture of mine, he spoke highly about my Uncle Chowdiah and had expressed that this venture will be most meaningful and will be a task of great fulfillment.  He had even spoken about the strong bonding between Chowdiah and his predecessor. I believe that such great ventures cannot be accomplished without the blessings of such great saints. He is always a sacred source of inspiration and blessings to my family. I bow my head at the lotus feet of this great saint with a humble mind.  

My research work on Chowdiah, the Star of Music has been a decade long effort.  Even the publication of my book was delayed by about 3-4 years.  Yet, the fact that this glorious event of publication of this book has coincided with the celebration of 125th birthday of Chowdiah is a great matter of satisfaction. At such a golden moment, the release of my book 'Nada Nakshatra Sangeeta Ratna Sri Piteelu Chowdiahnavaru' is a glowing tribute to the great scholar of music Chowdaiah. Besides it is also a great moment to this book of mine.  My sincere thanks to all members of my readers fraternity. 

17th Dec 2020



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