Yes, Dr. S.L. Bhyrappa's 'Parva' was launched 40 years ago as a Kannada novel. Since then it has kindled the imagination of connoisseurs of literature all over the world. It is now translated and published in 10 languages including English and Sanskrit. Its Kannada version has found 21 reprints and its Marathi version has found 15 reprints!
Parva is Vyasa's Mahabharath rewritten. But Dr. Bhyrappa has viewed Mahabharath not as mythology, but as a live event of our history. Obviously he has demystified all characters and events of the great epic. Although Krishna (the God!) is a major character in this novel too, he is depicted as a human character susceptible to follies of life! Dr. Bhyrappa's demystification of the entire epic brings the story and its characters closer to our lives.
'Akshaya vastra pradhan' is probably the most touching event in Mahabharath. Disrobing and rape of women is happening in the present day world too, where Krishna/s never come to the rescue!
But in Vysa's Mahabharath, Krishna, the God sends an unending chain of sarees from his place to protect Draupadi's honour. Demystifying this event, Dr. Bhyrappa has given a different twist. With husbands and elders not ready to come to the rescue, helpless Draupadi shouts at Duryodhan saying that 'Krishna is still by her side and she will take revenge with his help'! When reminded of Krishna and his clout, Duryodhan orders his brother to stop the act of disrobing. Thereby Bhyrappaji demystifies the event and makes it look convincing, but still effective!
Guru Drona's act of robbing Ekalavya's archery skills by demanding the 'most infamous Gurudakshina' is a black mark on the community of teachers. Bhyrappaji, himself being a teacher has given a new twist to the entire saga to deflect the black mark away from 'Guru Drona'. I am presenting Bhyrappaji's version in the form of my self-composed-poetry. Please read on.
I was born poor
martial arts was never my forte
Yet, I mastered all that
thanks to my Guru’s touch!
I was determined to teach
caste, creed and religion were no hitch, yet
I am remembered as a Cheat!
When my life was under threat
I had to seek retreat under
Bhishma, the uncrowned King of Hastinapur
Yes, I became a royal Guru, yet
No doubt, Arjun was bright
Parva is Vyasa's Mahabharath rewritten. But Dr. Bhyrappa has viewed Mahabharath not as mythology, but as a live event of our history. Obviously he has demystified all characters and events of the great epic. Although Krishna (the God!) is a major character in this novel too, he is depicted as a human character susceptible to follies of life! Dr. Bhyrappa's demystification of the entire epic brings the story and its characters closer to our lives.
'Akshaya vastra pradhan' is probably the most touching event in Mahabharath. Disrobing and rape of women is happening in the present day world too, where Krishna/s never come to the rescue!
But in Vysa's Mahabharath, Krishna, the God sends an unending chain of sarees from his place to protect Draupadi's honour. Demystifying this event, Dr. Bhyrappa has given a different twist. With husbands and elders not ready to come to the rescue, helpless Draupadi shouts at Duryodhan saying that 'Krishna is still by her side and she will take revenge with his help'! When reminded of Krishna and his clout, Duryodhan orders his brother to stop the act of disrobing. Thereby Bhyrappaji demystifies the event and makes it look convincing, but still effective!
Guru Drona's act of robbing Ekalavya's archery skills by demanding the 'most infamous Gurudakshina' is a black mark on the community of teachers. Bhyrappaji, himself being a teacher has given a new twist to the entire saga to deflect the black mark away from 'Guru Drona'. I am presenting Bhyrappaji's version in the form of my self-composed-poetry. Please read on.
(A Soliloquy)
'Acharya Devo Bhava' says Upanishad
Yes, I am a revered Guru, yet
I am remembered as a Cheat!
Yes, I am a revered Guru, yet
I am remembered as a Cheat!
I was born poor
martial arts was never my forte
Yet, I mastered all that
thanks to my Guru’s touch!
I was determined to teach
caste, creed and religion were no hitch, yet
I am remembered as a Cheat!
When my life was under threat
I had to seek retreat under
Bhishma, the uncrowned King of Hastinapur
Yes, I became a royal Guru, yet
I am remembered as a Cheat!
No doubt, Arjun was bright
but when I saw Ekalavya, the forest
I couldn't resist
I was thrilled by his skills!
And I dared to teach him along with Kuru
I adored Ekalavya and Arjun more than my own son, yet
I am remembered as a Cheat!
I forgot I was a royal stooge
my Gurukul was under siege
Raged Bhishma thundered
poor Ekalavya had to be barred
And my heart became heavy and eyes wet, yet
I am remembered as a Cheat!
Teacher in my heart continued to beat
and I kept secretly boating to Ekalavya's forest
Taught him all secrets of skillful combat
and made him world's great, yet
I am remembered as a Cheat!
Talent can never be hidden for long
And one day when Ekalavya came to
arrogant Bhishma could not tolerate!
I was pulled and ordered to eliminate
my most talented pet!
And I was made a hapless ploy for
fulfilling the royal might, yet
I am remembered as a Cheat!
My heart sunk into my boot
when I demanded 'Gurudakshina'
of my beloved’s thumb, so deft at right
and how shameful I felt?
I did balm that injured fist
I even taught him the four-fingered archery art
but nothing could wipe my guilt, yet
I am remembered as a Cheat!!!
Yesterday I had the honour of attending a national seminar at Bengaluru on the occasion of 40 years of Parva. The program had the privilege of presence of Dr. S.L.Bhyrappa (4th from left) himself. The seminar was inaugurated by Jnanapeeta awardee Mr. Chandrashekara Kambara (5th from left), who is also the President of Central Sahitya Academy. He announced that the Academy is taking measures to get the great novel 'Parva', translated to all major languages of the world! Literary greats from outside and inside the State participated in the seminar.
I appeal to all our friends to read this great novel 'Parva' to experience the fallibility of human characters to the temptations of life. Those who have already read may please share their views through the medium of this blog. Comments from all our honourable readers are most welcome.